Wednesday 21 December 2011

paul mccartney :D

paul mccartneywent to see paul mccartney on monday night :3 it was amaaaaazing! he's a brilliant performer to say that next year he'll be 70;) aww he's a legend. anyway, he started with magical mystery tour, but before he even came on stage i was crying:L so i was crying for the first two songs, then the third song he did was all my loving which is somewhere in my top two beatles songs:L anyway, during that song, clips from a hard day's night were on the screen in the background so i was just there crying my eyes out cause i just couldn't handle the amazingfulness of 'all my loving'  :') and i still couldn't believe that paul mccartney was THERE. i was kinda near the back but i had a really good view hehe. he did a tribute to john lennon and he ended up crying and i just wanted to hug him:( he did a tribute to george harrison too :3 that was an amazing performance:D and he actually sang wonderful christmas time :') and this choir from the liverpool institute sang in the background and i was like 'dad, i'm joining the liverpool institute' :3 also, three people from the audience actually got to go up on stage to meet him and i was like dying of jealousy! ¬_¬. i will meet paul one day;D and in between songs when he was talking, he just kept making everybody laugh with his weirdness:L
i can't believe i can now say i've seen paul mccartney live twice:D he's amazing. and i actually miss him loads. god i need to get a life:L but i love the beatles so much and seeing one of them in concert.. wow. i just can't explain how much it means to me:')

Friday 16 December 2011

school, paul mccartney, cats, beatles, number 9.

just chilling in ict. we're allowed to do what we want so with no facebook or twitter i resorted to writing in my incredibly boring blog :] listening to the beatles yayayay :D everyone else is just playing weird childish games [no offence..] pacman's pretty cool though! :'] i'd rather be boring and look at george harrison pictures though, cause i'm cool. paul mccartney in three days. oh. em. gee. I CAN'T WAIT! :3
i actually don't know what else to write. umm.. science next. yay. i really don't like science, it's definitely my least favourite subject.. yeah it's interesting but it's so difficult to understand. -.- then teachers just expect you to know everything about it. so annoying. i am incredibly thick you know! :L
then it's break woo. then pshe. that's alright actually, we don't really do much. :L then afterwards it's maths. aka mine and katie's bitching lesson. cause we're so nice! ;D then it's dinner. then it's english where i think we're watching romeo and juliet? leonardo dicaprio is so fit. :']
then i get to go home and go on twitter and facebook and listen to the beatles and play my guitar and watch love actually and eat food yayayay :'D i wish i had a cat! meow. they're cute.
the beatles are the best band ever yeah. woo. they have talent, personality and looks. perfect. <3
this has been quite a boring blog but it's all good. better than sitting here doing nothing :) also, katie just 'completed' pacman. :] oh wait, she just died.
just thought i'd say... number 9. number 9. number 9. number 9. number 9. revolution 9. <3


Wednesday 14 December 2011

wah wah, church & PAUL MCCARTNEY!

i have a proper wah wah :( [apparently that's liverpool slang for headache..] but i shouldn't be sad about it, being as george harrison did write a song called wah wah:'] aww i love george harrison. he's amazing. he's just always there... i love him :D anyway, today we had to go to church to practice for the christmas concert thingy that's happening tonight. yay. it's so scary singing in front of people, especially when you're likee the worst singer ever! :L but i suppose it's kinda fun in a way too. so it's all good. but now i have to tidy the house with my dad. fun! then off to church again. i actually really like going to church on christmas eve you know.. even though i'm not a christian, it just puts me in a real christmas mood. ;D but nobody will go with me so i'm probably not going this year. bad times.
i'm soooo tired as well. but to think, i'm only at school tomorrow for like two lesson's cause i'm going to the orthodontist, then on friday.. it's friday! then it's saturday and i'm going to derby. :) then it's sunday which i'll probably spend just listening to paul mccartney all day. then it's monday. 3 and a half lesson's at school is it? then.. PAUL MCCARTNEY LIVE AGAIN YAYAYAYAYAYAY :D SO EXCITED! i keep saying that, but it's cause i am! i love paul mccartney! :D - wah wahhhh! :') i was there and i'll be seeing him soon;D
paul mccartney beatle

Tuesday 13 December 2011

good mood, liverpool, thomas sangster, paul mccartney & christmas. wooo!

okay so i have this random twitter obsession.. it's pretty awesome though. :') i've been so happy recently! it's cause all the little things that make me happy have just added up and shazam! amazing mood! ;D on saturday my dad took me to watch forest then to see a beatles tribute band called the hey beatles and they were amazing;D he also told me that we're definitely going to liverpool next summer and other peoples can come too oh yeah:P ah i love liverpool. i wonder how many times i've actually said that? :L
i watched love actually the other day and it's really good :] and thomas sangster is sooo adorable in it! :D i just love him, he's my favourite actor :3 he's got a proper baby face to say he's 21 now hehehe. and he's beautiful :] hehehe:D.
oh and i'm going to see paul mccartney in six days!! sooooo excited it's actually unreal! i know i've already seen him before, but it's still a total shock to me that i'm actually going to see him:'] & i can stick an 'again' on there, oh yeah;D.
and it's christmas in twelve days! so excited:')
feel like adding a picture on every blog i do now.. so here goes..
hey thomas;]

Thursday 8 December 2011

john lennon.

Billie-Jean Earleyi know i just did one of these blogs about george harrison, so i now have to do one about john lennon. he died 31 years ago today. he was an amazing person and created beautiful music. i love him for that. his lyrics are just brilliant. i wish he was still alive so he could carry on making music. i know he'd be old but if paul and ringo can do it, so can john! :) listening to #9 dream at the moment and it is really beautiful. john may have come across as a serious man with a temper, or even a very jokey person, but on the inside he was just trying to send out this message of love and peace... it wasn't an act, it's what he wanted. he was just a young teddy boy from liverpool who wanted to make music and he did just that. but he wasn't just in a band, he was in the greatest band that ever existed! :') and to be honest, that's a fact, not an opinion. they've inspired at least 95% of artists today and they have broke barriers and they're purely amazing;D i love them, and i love john. so rest in peace john, you shouldn't of been killed. i really love you:)xxx

Tuesday 29 November 2011

george harrison.

george harrison died ten years ago today. i was only five when that happened so i don't really remember it... but i still feel like i've loved him forever. george harrison is a true genius and was seriously underrated.. yeah he was in the most amazing, popular band in the world, but tbh, it was all about john and paul. yeah they're awesome, but george was an amazing guitarist and wrote beautiful lyrics and wasn't given enough credit.
he changed a lot, he went from being a young lad from liverpool to being a man who was a hare krishna and loved god. to me, that is a big change... but it also doesn't matter. as he said, change is what life is all about.
he was such a good person and can easily convince anyone to be whatever he wanted them to be. that's what i believe anyway...
i could go on forever... but you know, i cba. i love george with all my heart. he's obviously my favourite beatle for sooo many reasons. i love him, i honestly do. he's perfect. :)

Monday 10 October 2011

paul mccartney, sleepover, derby and charlie sheen.

quite a good day at school even though i've felt dodgy all dayy:S good vibes now though ;D found out that paul mccartney's touring and hopefully i'm going to see him again :O in liverpool!! but knowing me i've probably just got my hopes up for nothing.. i love paul though, he's awesome and he got married yesterday. it was john lennon's birthday yesterday aswell bless i wish he was alive though :'( he'd be 71.. weird. had an awesome sleepover on friday at amy's with emily potter :') going on video chat to camden:L and martin. then seeing martin's dad and waving to him. grooovy:L and marmaduke the adorable cat. on saturday i went to derby with amy, martin, molly, dylan, alex and few others for josh's birthday. this band called 'the struts' came up to me, amy and molly and we were like 'zomgggg..' then we wanted to follow them cause we're such stalkers but martin was in jd and we had to wait for him ¬.¬ then we saw georgia later on and she was buzzin like. i've proper missed going to derby so it was great to finally go again. ;D and in the disney store we found these talking phineas and ferb dolls :') i so want one:L and we spent ages in that's entertainment. groovy times. EMILY BERESFORD FINALLY HAS FACEBOOK! i can't believe it, buzzingggg! :L also buzzin cause the fairs coming soon. :D amy's got me obsessed with that charlie sheen winning song thingy on youtubeeee, it's so amazing:L i don't watch the new two and a half men, i tried to watch it but after about a minute i had to turn over cause i miss charlie so much :( bad times.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

guitar lesson, french, phineas and ferb, liverpool, badminton and re. wtf.

had my guitar lesson today. yaay i'm learning 'she loves you' by the beatles hehe. ;D i actually enjoyed french today for some reason. weird.. i always end up writing about the beatles, michael jackson and sometimes bob dylan though, no matter what we're supposed to be writing about. i've had loads of good vibes today, which is pretty cool. me and amy were attempting to act out scenes from phineas and ferb at lunch and it was hilarious. :') amy was just running around and i was singing the perry the platypus theme song:L awesome times. and in english when we were supposed to be doing our assessment thingy we just sat there whispering to each other about phineas and ferb. lmfao:L i keep thinking about liverpool. and how i should be there. i'm trying to learn as much as i can about it. at the moment i'm learning about 'the liver building'. it reminds of the beatles cause it's in one of their music video's. ;D i love liverpool. i'll always remember that feeling i got when i was going to liverpool on the train and i was just counting down the stops til we got there and when we were actually there i was like dying with happiness on the inside if that makes any sense? :L anyway, i'm buzzing cause i've booked badminton for thursday how cool is that? i've proper missed it. oh and yesterday when me and amy were walking home, this random bloke just said to us 'baaa, it's a lamb' and we were sat there like 'wtf' :/ fun times.. :L had a groovy time in re with emily even though we had a few disagreements lmfao. then afterwards sitting on the bench pretending to be that person. hehe.

Monday 3 October 2011

phineas and ferb, the dominican republic, music and the beatles.

me, emily and amy all had a major laughing fit earlier over the thought of emily as phineas, me as ferb and amy as perry. :') i hope it actually happens! :L ah a year ago i was in the dominican republic :'( i miss it dead bad, it was like the most amazing holiday <3 just thinking of that legend melito who took us on trips bless him and his daughter's boyfriend had a really nice family and we went to their house and had tea. which was basically loads of fruit. weird thinking that people live like that. bless i love the dominican republic! and i actually got a tan and i didn't even sunbathe i just tried to hide from the sun but failed.. and it was just so hot and i felt ill most of the time but oh well it was just legendary. definitely going there again when me, amy, emily p, emily b, lotty and maybe some other's go on our 'world tour' :L. anyway todaaaay i had music with dr. roddie which is just awesome. and he had a conversation with himself at the front of the class and me and lotty made this wicked tune on the keyboard. lmfao. aw i'm gutted like cause paul mccartney said that if john and george were alive all the beatles would do a reunion tour... i could have seen them live :| how weird. i'm really excited about this george harrison documentary that's coming out soooon and i keep watching the trailer cause george is soo gorgeous.. or should i say, georgeous ;) lmfao i'm so sad. :L

Thursday 29 September 2011

boring day... and i love george harrison.

been really pissed off today :S oh well. life goes on ;D. quite a bad day at school though. pretty much failed my science test, had boring lessons and one of my best friends is pissed off with me. and it's been warm all day which has just annoyed me so much. ¬_¬. i really want to talk to him. why have i been cursed with this shyness:L anyway i'm just chillin listening to this beatles song which is making me fall asleeeep.. so excited for my birthday even though it's ages away yet. also buzzin for this george harrison film that's coming out. it'll be awesome being as i don't know a lot about his childhood or life really. but i love him. heheeee. i love that name. 'George Harrison'. it looks awesome with capitals like that. i'll stop with that now.. beautiful.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

confidence, music, cats and an amazing quote yay.

ahh i'm such an idiot. :L i made a complete twat out of myself earlier just cause i'm so unconfident and shy seriously ¬_¬. oh well. i had double music today. i love double music it's so coooool especially when all you do is sit and watch performancessss;D martin's was amazing though, stopping like halfway through and making weird noises then blaming it on me lmfao bless. and charlotte's was epic of coursee:D everyone else was amazing toooo (: but that one guy in music.. who i always see staring at me. but then that obviously means i'm staring at him. wtf. but yeah. and my favourite thing about him is the fact that he literally has shadows under his cheeks oh my josh<3 i wish i was more confident. i know that's random like but it seriously annoys me and i know i'm the only person who can do something about it but.. i just can't :S oh yeah, i'm not immature, it's just the fact that i have no confidence. so i act like an idiot... merhhhh ¬_¬ awesome walk home with amy, seeing those little badamans with that cop. legendary<3 and that cat how adorable was it casually climbing up that pole then jumping down and then just strolling around everywhere and hissing at that dog lmfao i love cats:D
'if you love two people at the same time, choose the second one because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second' - johnny depp.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

blogging buddies ftw.

georgia terri durose is such a legend. & yes we pleasure each other. like in science seriously stop staring you 'b-i-t-c-hes.' thank you georgia btw for talking to that dude ahhh buzzin ;D oh yeah ta joe robson aswell, people are so nice sometimes :D. aww rebecca saint is kinda in a love triangle:/ who's it gonna be? josh or will? :') ahh hilarious :L today has been such an awesome day. i couldn't be bothered to stay behind in re today and i feel like i proper offended mr marson:L anyway yeah back to the point, georgia durose. i lav her you know. she's always just there pushing me into people. & today was hilarious when she kept pushing me into that person. lmfao. and everyone else was proper annoyed about me constantly flying into them lololol. mardy people. especially science. i'll say no more about that:L ahh i'm so happy yayayay<3 oh yeah rebecca saint's cool.

Monday 26 September 2011


i love my friends. everybody always says that, but i really mean it. where would i be without them? i'd probably be a completely different person, i don't know. and the thing is, people say they only trust like one person or maybe even nobody, but i really do trust all of my close friends. none of them are liars or two faced and that's one reason why i love them so much! i just felt like writing this for some reason hehe, but yeah, my friends are amazing! <3

Sunday 25 September 2011

obsessions, frank foster, my dad and thomas sangster lmfao.

school is so boring. js. except for music. ah i love music and atm i'm proper obsessed with playing the guitar hehe. why do i always become obsessed so easily wtf man. i was watching last week's corrie earlier and i hate frank foster. lmfao i know he's only a character but i just hate him he's so annoying ¬_¬. anyway.. this morning i was woken up at 7am by my dad throwing stones at my bedroom window cause he came back at like 4 this morning but he was locked out i find it so funny :L ah i'm horrible but i didn't mean to lock him out :S :L i love phineas and ferb, mostly because thomas sangster does the voice of ferb;D i love nowhere boy tooo which is an amazing film about john lennon and yeah it's got thomas sangster in it :P  i dunno what else to write... i'm so interesting. ob la di ob la da life goes onnnn<3

Friday 19 August 2011

beatles, mostly.

lol i haven't posted in ages. i love the beatles. i'm going through this proper beatle phase at the moment i want it to last forever cause the beatles always make me so happy! they're so talented, funny and gorgeoussss<3 i just love them so much that it sometimes makes me sad cause i know i'll never be able to meet them all and two of them have died:( and ringo doesn't accept fan mail or sign autographs and paul hasn't even replied to my letter:O ah well i don't think he's even been in london recently:S anyway... the holidays have been quite good so far even though my dad made me live with my nanna for a few days cause he got sick of me hahahahaha. ah well i had an amazing sleepover with amy and emily p and i think emily's a beatle fan now? haha bless her, she was so eager to watch a hard day's night:L so atm i'm just listening to.. well you can probably guess. the beatles<3 ah i just love them. in fact, i don't think love is even the word anymore:L they're my life<3 i still love michael jackson! js in case people think i don't:L meow<3

Wednesday 3 August 2011


i have to write something about liverpool. so we [me, dad and jay] got to liverpool yesterday wooooo;D. then we just chilled then went to the cavern. for six hours. we saw two guys performing [one after the other]. they sung beatles songs [and a few otherss] and it was amazing :). then we went back to the hotel eventually and ordered a takeaway and my dad dropped most of it on the floor. apparently i got what went on the floor. yay. and todaaay, we got up early and went on a tour around john lennon's house and it was actually incredible.. couldn't believe i was there :O it's weird thinking i've been in his old bedroom:S then there was this notebook downstairs and i wrote something really cheesy like 'thank you for everything, john. i love you. [peace symbol]. love billie-jo earley <3 xxx' heheeee:P bless him. then we went to paul mccartney's house afterwards. also very amazing:D the woman who did the tour gave me some lavender from the garden and i was like 'this is from paul's house wow:O' :L can't believe i've been in his old room either.. crazy times ;L. then we just went around beatles shops and i got an 'i love george' badge, george harrison poster and a 'strawberry field' street sign. that isn't a lot to me but i don't care tbh i had an amazing time plus i'm going again in a few months. and my dad said he'll buy me a beatle album, so i'm good tbh:D thennnn we went to the cavern again and this lennon/mccartney tribute act came on called 'two of us' and i just fell in love cause they sounded exactly like john and paul ;D. i got my picture with them too yayay:D then we headed to the train station and came home.. :( ah well. i'll be seeing my little cousin tomorrow:P but yeaaah, i love liverpool and i love the beatles sooo much! they're my life now. and finally my dad has discovered the beauty of liverpool and is getting obsessed like me which means MORE LIVERPOOL IN MY LIFE YAYAYAYAY:D. i actually think i'm overly obsessed and it's just weird but i don't care i love liverpool heheeeee:D  

Monday 1 August 2011


i actually can't wait for tomorrow. liverpool. my favourite place in the world. ahhh :D. i'm just soo excited. the beatles' home.. but i don't have any money apparently. and my dads going to leave me with his friend for most of wednesday.. should be interesting:L but still. LIVERPOOL! wooooo :D i just love liverpool so much, it's an obsession. i even borrowed a book from the library today about the river mersey. and it's just full of shizz that any normal person my age would find boring... so why do i find it all so interesting? :L liverpool.. i love youuu. it's probably the only place on earth where i can sit on a bus for aaaages doing some tour about the history of it. it's just so interesting! and like i said, i'm sooooo excited<3.

Saturday 30 July 2011

first blog. ;D

so this is obviously my first blog.. i'm just gonna casually write about what's been happening over the past few days then;D. i went on holiday to norfolk with amy, it was absolutely amazing. we saw some amazing people there. [matt willis eyes, the beast, grirk, him who looks like him, bob, kirk..] and of course rapper and checkered guy. who we made no end of awkward eye contact with and on our last night rapper said 'see you later' when we left the club and me and amy were like.. 'you won't.' :( ah well.. we love our ozzy and mj teddy things that we won on the grabbing machine:') i could write so much more about our holiday but i'd just end up getting sad cause it was so amazing and i miss it:( i've got liverpool in three days anyway.. and i'm so fricking excited! ah i love the beatles so so so much<3 they've actually changed my life. i'll just do a 'beatle rant' in another blog though, cause i cba now :') so atm i'm just listening to paul mccartney and hoping that some day soon he will reply to my letter! it took me a while to write it so yanoo.. :L i haven't seen any of my mates [apart from amy] since last friday and i miss everyone :( ah well, i think this it it for my blog? so yeah, inabit ;D x