Monday 1 August 2011


i actually can't wait for tomorrow. liverpool. my favourite place in the world. ahhh :D. i'm just soo excited. the beatles' home.. but i don't have any money apparently. and my dads going to leave me with his friend for most of wednesday.. should be interesting:L but still. LIVERPOOL! wooooo :D i just love liverpool so much, it's an obsession. i even borrowed a book from the library today about the river mersey. and it's just full of shizz that any normal person my age would find boring... so why do i find it all so interesting? :L liverpool.. i love youuu. it's probably the only place on earth where i can sit on a bus for aaaages doing some tour about the history of it. it's just so interesting! and like i said, i'm sooooo excited<3.

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