Wednesday 28 September 2011

confidence, music, cats and an amazing quote yay.

ahh i'm such an idiot. :L i made a complete twat out of myself earlier just cause i'm so unconfident and shy seriously ¬_¬. oh well. i had double music today. i love double music it's so coooool especially when all you do is sit and watch performancessss;D martin's was amazing though, stopping like halfway through and making weird noises then blaming it on me lmfao bless. and charlotte's was epic of coursee:D everyone else was amazing toooo (: but that one guy in music.. who i always see staring at me. but then that obviously means i'm staring at him. wtf. but yeah. and my favourite thing about him is the fact that he literally has shadows under his cheeks oh my josh<3 i wish i was more confident. i know that's random like but it seriously annoys me and i know i'm the only person who can do something about it but.. i just can't :S oh yeah, i'm not immature, it's just the fact that i have no confidence. so i act like an idiot... merhhhh ¬_¬ awesome walk home with amy, seeing those little badamans with that cop. legendary<3 and that cat how adorable was it casually climbing up that pole then jumping down and then just strolling around everywhere and hissing at that dog lmfao i love cats:D
'if you love two people at the same time, choose the second one because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second' - johnny depp.

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