Thursday 29 September 2011

boring day... and i love george harrison.

been really pissed off today :S oh well. life goes on ;D. quite a bad day at school though. pretty much failed my science test, had boring lessons and one of my best friends is pissed off with me. and it's been warm all day which has just annoyed me so much. ¬_¬. i really want to talk to him. why have i been cursed with this shyness:L anyway i'm just chillin listening to this beatles song which is making me fall asleeeep.. so excited for my birthday even though it's ages away yet. also buzzin for this george harrison film that's coming out. it'll be awesome being as i don't know a lot about his childhood or life really. but i love him. heheeee. i love that name. 'George Harrison'. it looks awesome with capitals like that. i'll stop with that now.. beautiful.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

confidence, music, cats and an amazing quote yay.

ahh i'm such an idiot. :L i made a complete twat out of myself earlier just cause i'm so unconfident and shy seriously ¬_¬. oh well. i had double music today. i love double music it's so coooool especially when all you do is sit and watch performancessss;D martin's was amazing though, stopping like halfway through and making weird noises then blaming it on me lmfao bless. and charlotte's was epic of coursee:D everyone else was amazing toooo (: but that one guy in music.. who i always see staring at me. but then that obviously means i'm staring at him. wtf. but yeah. and my favourite thing about him is the fact that he literally has shadows under his cheeks oh my josh<3 i wish i was more confident. i know that's random like but it seriously annoys me and i know i'm the only person who can do something about it but.. i just can't :S oh yeah, i'm not immature, it's just the fact that i have no confidence. so i act like an idiot... merhhhh ¬_¬ awesome walk home with amy, seeing those little badamans with that cop. legendary<3 and that cat how adorable was it casually climbing up that pole then jumping down and then just strolling around everywhere and hissing at that dog lmfao i love cats:D
'if you love two people at the same time, choose the second one because if you really loved the first one you wouldn't have fallen for the second' - johnny depp.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

blogging buddies ftw.

georgia terri durose is such a legend. & yes we pleasure each other. like in science seriously stop staring you 'b-i-t-c-hes.' thank you georgia btw for talking to that dude ahhh buzzin ;D oh yeah ta joe robson aswell, people are so nice sometimes :D. aww rebecca saint is kinda in a love triangle:/ who's it gonna be? josh or will? :') ahh hilarious :L today has been such an awesome day. i couldn't be bothered to stay behind in re today and i feel like i proper offended mr marson:L anyway yeah back to the point, georgia durose. i lav her you know. she's always just there pushing me into people. & today was hilarious when she kept pushing me into that person. lmfao. and everyone else was proper annoyed about me constantly flying into them lololol. mardy people. especially science. i'll say no more about that:L ahh i'm so happy yayayay<3 oh yeah rebecca saint's cool.

Monday 26 September 2011


i love my friends. everybody always says that, but i really mean it. where would i be without them? i'd probably be a completely different person, i don't know. and the thing is, people say they only trust like one person or maybe even nobody, but i really do trust all of my close friends. none of them are liars or two faced and that's one reason why i love them so much! i just felt like writing this for some reason hehe, but yeah, my friends are amazing! <3

Sunday 25 September 2011

obsessions, frank foster, my dad and thomas sangster lmfao.

school is so boring. js. except for music. ah i love music and atm i'm proper obsessed with playing the guitar hehe. why do i always become obsessed so easily wtf man. i was watching last week's corrie earlier and i hate frank foster. lmfao i know he's only a character but i just hate him he's so annoying ¬_¬. anyway.. this morning i was woken up at 7am by my dad throwing stones at my bedroom window cause he came back at like 4 this morning but he was locked out i find it so funny :L ah i'm horrible but i didn't mean to lock him out :S :L i love phineas and ferb, mostly because thomas sangster does the voice of ferb;D i love nowhere boy tooo which is an amazing film about john lennon and yeah it's got thomas sangster in it :P  i dunno what else to write... i'm so interesting. ob la di ob la da life goes onnnn<3