Friday 19 August 2011

beatles, mostly.

lol i haven't posted in ages. i love the beatles. i'm going through this proper beatle phase at the moment i want it to last forever cause the beatles always make me so happy! they're so talented, funny and gorgeoussss<3 i just love them so much that it sometimes makes me sad cause i know i'll never be able to meet them all and two of them have died:( and ringo doesn't accept fan mail or sign autographs and paul hasn't even replied to my letter:O ah well i don't think he's even been in london recently:S anyway... the holidays have been quite good so far even though my dad made me live with my nanna for a few days cause he got sick of me hahahahaha. ah well i had an amazing sleepover with amy and emily p and i think emily's a beatle fan now? haha bless her, she was so eager to watch a hard day's night:L so atm i'm just listening to.. well you can probably guess. the beatles<3 ah i just love them. in fact, i don't think love is even the word anymore:L they're my life<3 i still love michael jackson! js in case people think i don't:L meow<3

Wednesday 3 August 2011


i have to write something about liverpool. so we [me, dad and jay] got to liverpool yesterday wooooo;D. then we just chilled then went to the cavern. for six hours. we saw two guys performing [one after the other]. they sung beatles songs [and a few otherss] and it was amazing :). then we went back to the hotel eventually and ordered a takeaway and my dad dropped most of it on the floor. apparently i got what went on the floor. yay. and todaaay, we got up early and went on a tour around john lennon's house and it was actually incredible.. couldn't believe i was there :O it's weird thinking i've been in his old bedroom:S then there was this notebook downstairs and i wrote something really cheesy like 'thank you for everything, john. i love you. [peace symbol]. love billie-jo earley <3 xxx' heheeee:P bless him. then we went to paul mccartney's house afterwards. also very amazing:D the woman who did the tour gave me some lavender from the garden and i was like 'this is from paul's house wow:O' :L can't believe i've been in his old room either.. crazy times ;L. then we just went around beatles shops and i got an 'i love george' badge, george harrison poster and a 'strawberry field' street sign. that isn't a lot to me but i don't care tbh i had an amazing time plus i'm going again in a few months. and my dad said he'll buy me a beatle album, so i'm good tbh:D thennnn we went to the cavern again and this lennon/mccartney tribute act came on called 'two of us' and i just fell in love cause they sounded exactly like john and paul ;D. i got my picture with them too yayay:D then we headed to the train station and came home.. :( ah well. i'll be seeing my little cousin tomorrow:P but yeaaah, i love liverpool and i love the beatles sooo much! they're my life now. and finally my dad has discovered the beauty of liverpool and is getting obsessed like me which means MORE LIVERPOOL IN MY LIFE YAYAYAYAY:D. i actually think i'm overly obsessed and it's just weird but i don't care i love liverpool heheeeee:D  

Monday 1 August 2011


i actually can't wait for tomorrow. liverpool. my favourite place in the world. ahhh :D. i'm just soo excited. the beatles' home.. but i don't have any money apparently. and my dads going to leave me with his friend for most of wednesday.. should be interesting:L but still. LIVERPOOL! wooooo :D i just love liverpool so much, it's an obsession. i even borrowed a book from the library today about the river mersey. and it's just full of shizz that any normal person my age would find boring... so why do i find it all so interesting? :L liverpool.. i love youuu. it's probably the only place on earth where i can sit on a bus for aaaages doing some tour about the history of it. it's just so interesting! and like i said, i'm sooooo excited<3.