Saturday 30 July 2011

first blog. ;D

so this is obviously my first blog.. i'm just gonna casually write about what's been happening over the past few days then;D. i went on holiday to norfolk with amy, it was absolutely amazing. we saw some amazing people there. [matt willis eyes, the beast, grirk, him who looks like him, bob, kirk..] and of course rapper and checkered guy. who we made no end of awkward eye contact with and on our last night rapper said 'see you later' when we left the club and me and amy were like.. 'you won't.' :( ah well.. we love our ozzy and mj teddy things that we won on the grabbing machine:') i could write so much more about our holiday but i'd just end up getting sad cause it was so amazing and i miss it:( i've got liverpool in three days anyway.. and i'm so fricking excited! ah i love the beatles so so so much<3 they've actually changed my life. i'll just do a 'beatle rant' in another blog though, cause i cba now :') so atm i'm just listening to paul mccartney and hoping that some day soon he will reply to my letter! it took me a while to write it so yanoo.. :L i haven't seen any of my mates [apart from amy] since last friday and i miss everyone :( ah well, i think this it it for my blog? so yeah, inabit ;D x